Well - I am back - still quite weak, waiting on some final words of wisdom from the Doctors - but at least I am sitting up, typing for myself and showing definite signs of recovery. I can say that these past 2 weeks have been quite the trial. As I mentioned in my last post - I was admitted into the hospital on the 14th of April, by the 18th had deteriorated to the point that they put me into ICU for closer treatment because of the discovered blood clot in my right lung. To add insult to injury, I ended up having a biopsy of my bone morrow and while we don't have the final results - all indicators suggests that the lymphoma has returned there. We shall have to wait for the final pathology - but from all signs the absolute best thing that I can do is get released, get my strength back and get home so I can get started on the next phase and find out what is actually happening here.
The cousins reunion started on the 9th of April - Karen and I arrived early and managed to have a great evening out with Janet and Lucille on the 8th who were also here. By the evening of the 9th, all of the others had arrived and the only disappointment was that Edie had not recovered enough from some prior surgery to make it down. A big hole in the line up - but little did we know that this would be but a beginning of holes appearing all over.
Sat night - we all stopped over at Janet's for a welcome dinner - my job was to BBQ the bratwurst with the help of my trusty assistant - Judy. In total - 10 of us showed up for the reunion - which isn't half bad. It was great just sitting on the patio enjoying the evening and having dinner with family catching up on old times. Most of the cousins I saw a few years ago at the last Howell reunion - but still great timing all the same.
By Tuesday - Karen was still feeling low - but I decided to try and push that extra bit and go around with everyone on the day. We spent the day touring the sites...had a picnic down by the Zoo, went to a local museum to look at a small portion of their collection of the gowns that have been made over the years for past Queens and their courts for the fiesta.
The gowns are amazing - a tremendous amount of detail goes into them each year. It is a hugh expenditure - but the gowns are made to last. Too bad you can only wear them once. We then all piled onto one of their riverboats for a tour of downtown San Antonino. I know that Caroline was well aware that her time with the cousin's was going to be short as her daughter was picking her up on Wed to spend the rest of the week with her - so we had to try and fit everything possible into the few days we had with her and I can assure you - Janet did her best.
By Wed morning - Karen was feeling a bit better - I was still a little low - but since this was our last day with Caroline - we all decided to give it a go and do some touring of homes in the historic district. For this - I have to defer to the people who took the tour. I was starting on my decline by then so while I went to the historic district with the rest - I ended up staying in the car while the others toured the grand old homes. What I saw in the district was lovely though.
Wednesday night - everyone came out to the RV park and we had the rest of the food from the dinners and picnics we had been accumulating throughout the week. A lovely evening - but by then I was definitely going down hill - just didn't know how much further I had to go. Thursday morning came and went and my only recollection was the EMS guys coming to take me away. I fought Karen hard on the subject - but she was not in the mood to let this one pass. By the time Sandy and Brian got there - they had 911 on the phone and I was whisked away.
From then until a few days - the rest just kind of blurs. Jim, Maur and Sam came down to help out - ended up taking the Motor Home back to Michigan for us - (with ALOT of things popping up along the way that shall not go yet into this blog - as I am not sure I can afford to alienate Maureen just yet - I may need her expertise again.) Suffice it to say that she, motor homes and buildings don't always get along together... When they left on Tuesday - I still wasn't able to lift my head or arms from the bed - now I am up, about and typing to you. Margaret Britain (aka Mead) made it down last weekend with her daughter Emma for a couple of days so that we could catch up -
Ann Romaker (Dr. Winky) came down this weekend and we had a great couple of days together. Besides just the peace that comes with seeing a soulmate after 25 years came the practical advice that only a pulminologist can give you that gives you the confidence to move forward. I cannot believe how incredibly lucky I am to have the support network that I have around me - both family and friends - that keeps me moving in hopefully the right direction.
Karen had been kipping in the hospital on the sofa in my room until the past few nights. She is now comfortable with the fact that I am capable of making the night with just my trusty call button by my side - again she has pulled it through like a trooper. I hope the day never comes - but if it does - she is going to have alot of built up back credit to call upon from me if she needs it. I can never make the nurse she has over these past few weeks - but I am not sure I would have been able to recover as quickly without her support.
Here we are on Sunday night - I am hoping that tomorrow I will be released from hospital - to go to my cousin's home. The insurance company was talking about arranging a flight back to Scotland as early as Tuesday (yes - you heard right - Tuesday) and my ace in the hole 'Dr Winky' suggested a list of things to ask about but assures me that I will not die on a flight if I do fly out this quickly. If I can get some assurances/plans in place to answer the list - then Tuesday may be well within a reasonable time frame.
I will keep all posted as to what is happening. Know that I am getting stronger every day, feeling my old confidence returning and looking forward to getting on with getting on...