Here I am in Michigan now. Arrived here Wed. night - stopping by my cousin's Sharon's home on the way to Jim and Maur's. Sharon had been baking cookies most of the day with a friend - and she wanted me to take some up to Dad - so I needed to pick them up, see her and generally relax from the trip up.
On Thursday, I finally got to see Mom and Dad after a year away. Mom is still in the ICU at St Mary's Hospital in Saginaw. She is on the ventilator, under some sedation, and not really aware of anyone when they are visiting. Dad is doing OK although he definitely is missing Mom a lot. When I arrived in his room, he was really pleased to see me, but a bit shocked at how short I have taken to wearing my hair lately. I explained that it is in the process of growing and I am sure that it will eventually get back to a more normal length, but in the meantime - he just needs to appreciate my 'Judy Dench' look.
Karen stayed back in Hilton Head for the next 10 days to try and finish up some of the things that we wanted to get done prior to the next rental season. Smart move on her part as the snow came in droves on Thursday making driving quite hazardous. Took me a bit of time to get use to Michigan winter driving again. Ran a couple of stop lights when I couldn't get the car to stop just to prove it. Nothing more fun than watching your car careen into an intersection - blowing your horn all the time trying to get all cross traffic to stop for you - being optimistic that they are any more capable of stopping than you are...Fortunately - it did work out and I managed to make it around - see everyone and still get home in one piece.
So now - I will settle in for the next 6 weeks or so - driving Jim and Maur crazy - getting the motor home ready for the big trip. I don't have my camera here - so I will try and borrow someones, and download a picture or two of the travelling mega home in the next couple of days. In the meantime you will all just have to take my word for it - it will be big enough for us...
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