Happy New Year to all. We celebrated quietly last night with just the family. Becca and her family came round to keep the noise level high enough so that you would have thought that we were at a full grown party of 100 drunks - but no - it was just 4 kids and a few crazy adults. Jim and I spent time with Dad prior to the get together and he was pleased we weren't suggesting that we take him from the home to go to this party. Actually - based on the noise level - I think I would have enjoyed his place as well. We took some pictures of the passing of 2010 - the one of Jim and Dad is a better one of Dad than his and mine - so that is the one I decided to download...

We have yet to get our motor home back from the repair shop - Karen is quickly losing patience with me as the last time I called they were still waiting on authorisation from the aftermarket warranty company. I think I am going to have to be a bit more forceful on Monday when they open again after the holiday. What should have been a couple of day repair has turned into over a week - and I really want to get it back to the house so that we can start fitting it out for the journey.

Now, I have gotten many emails/facebook messages about these puppies that I mentioned. Sam has a dog - Abby - who is a cross between a shih tzu and miniature poodle. She gave birth to three lovely puppies just after Mom passed and we are deciding whether to have one. It would be great to take it on our travels with us this year - and we are working out the details of how to get it back home to Scotland without going through quarantine. Once we are sure that we can do this - then we shall grab one and go...I have attached a photo of them just so that you have the opportunity to go ahhhh!!!
Becca (Jim's daughter) has already selected and named the black one - she will be Balla...Maur and I will arm wrestle over the other two (I suspect that she will get first choice and I will take the remainder - which is OK with me...) but Karen and I haven't named her yet - waiting for final confirmation that this is all going to work out as well as getting to know her personality prior to lumbering her with a name that doesn't fit. We shall keep you posted on what is happening once we know.
So 2011 is for beginnings. May all of you experience joy and prosperity in the coming year. I am hoping to visit with some of you over the coming months and am looking forward to that. So - keep your eyes peeled for us in your neighborhood!!!
Love the pic of your Dad and Jim! You should have been in it!! If you get close to Kearney on your trip you had better stop!! You hear me!!??
ReplyDeleteSo....it's January 29th...and my husband making coffee in the kitchen this morning...seeing that I was online...says "how are the wrinklies doing this morning"....and I says back...wouldn't know, they must be off the grid!