Lei, Willie and Liz in Monument Valley Tribal Park |
Navajo - Hogan (both male and female type) |
We drove on through the day - the wind started to kick up a bit - but was generally a lovely day. As you know, when things are going well, everyone is enjoying themselves, all is well with the world - that is the time you need to watch out. I had just gotten on I 40 heading west - when I looked out my R/H mirror (when you're on a 2 lane highway, as I had been for the entire day, you don't tend to use your R/H mirror so I hadn't looked at it much that day) and saw that it was about to fall out of it's holder. (Remember our San Francisco adventure - when I 'bumped' another truck and lost the thing in the first place?) So I commented to Karen that I needed to pull over to see what I could do to try and save it. Just like before - as if by magic - as soon as I said that I needed to pull over - the mirror fell off - this time crashing to the ground - well beyond saving, so now we are driving without any visual contact with the right side of the vehicle. As long as I stay in the slow lane and don't pass anyone - I will be fine. As they say in Murphy's law...or is it Sod's Law? "What can go wrong will go wrong".... Right about that time I looked at the monitor that gives us a glimpse of the back and ... it had gone off! So, only one mirror left but you have to get used to it. We decided that we'll get it done in Vegas. On Monday we are returning to Vegas to get Liz back to the airport - so we shall deal with it all then - I hope!
We made it to Holbrook, Az, where we put up for the night and Saturday morning - we were back on the road - heading for the Petrified Forest. Prior to departing the campsite though - the wind again picked up only this time - it was really blowing. Blowing so hard - that it actually picked up a camper off a truck and deposited on the ground. I can't imagine why it wasn't tied down - but there you go. Meant to get a picture of the guys trying to manhandle it back onto the truck - made me appreciate the fact that I only have a mirror to repair.
On our way into the National Park - we stopped at a lovely Museum/Store for rock lovers. The amount of petrified wood was amazing.
They had also imported some petrified wood from Indonesia - which was white - not the rainbow colouring of our native types. After spending way too much time in the store - we came back out to the caravan - having to face into the wind to get to it. Couldn't believe how strong it was.
After the spending the afternoon in the National Park - it was time to hit the road again to try and beat a predicted snow storm coming in and get our campsite set for the night. Much discussion, considerable debate and alot of checking on the Internet - and we finally decided to bypass Flagstaff campgrounds - and go further down into the Valley - towards Sedona. Found a lovely campground - the managers were very helpful and we set up for the night - waiting on the impending 6 to 18". As it turned out - we didn't get much more than rain - seems Flagstaff got alot more inches and when we started to pull out of the campsite - another camper stopped us - asked us our destination and told us that I 17 was closed going both North and South from the Cottonwood exit and I 40 was closed across most of state. So we decided we would travel up to Sedona - check out the area (can't begin to describe how beautiful that area is...) and after we were done - try for Flagstaff and start back towards Vegas today - with the intention of making it back to Sin City by Monday so that we can take in the Cirque de Soleil show we have booked for Monday night.
We were given a phone number for road status - and all morning it just kept saying that I 17 and I 40 were closed - yet we saw no snow on the road - so we decided to chance it - and by the time we got to the interstate - the traffic was flowing quickly. So off we went - and glad we did. While the road report said closed - we found no problem progressing. The only thing we saw that suggested bad weather was a semi (HGV for our British readers) jackknifed on the other side of the freeway - with its trailer completely broken in half. I just hope that the driver managed to walk away. Well, as you know things come in 3s and true to form as Karen was driving she noticed a crack in the windscreen... all to do with glass ... some sort of sign or message eh? Maybe I need to change my glasses!
Now we are in Kingman Az, enjoying a bit of downtime - and knowing that we only have 120 miles to go tomorrow - can't ask for anything better than that.
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