On Tuesday - we spent the day touring San Francisco - we did Fisherman's Wharf, Alcatraz, rode the city bus, trolley and cable cars. Had a great time - enjoyed everything about the city. Was fascinated with the streets - couldn't imagine living there trudging up and down everyday. Saw one girl walking down a street with about a 24% incline in 4" heels - and not even breaking a sweat. Can't imagine...The day was crystal clear - you could see for miles from Alcatraz. The Sea Lions off Pier 39 were in rare form - enjoying the lovely weather. It was cold - but sunny - just the kind of winter day that you think of when thinking about San Francisco - (even though you rarely get the kind of clarity we experienced.)
Alcatraz was a tour well worth taking. The audio tour made all of the difference - with prisoners and guards alike relating stories of their time 'on the rock'. Helen, Karen and I took the tour as Rob had already done it a few years back. He enjoyed his time in the city - visiting some of the sites that he remembered from his last visit while we were on the tour. The cable cars were fun - we took the Hyde St car down to Powell street. The steep inclines and declines made me absolutely sure that there was no way I would attempt to take the motor home into the city. I would stay on the motor ways and keep safe. Helen wanted to try and walk through Haight Ashbury - but I had to tell her that she was going to be disappointed this time - as I wasn't brave enough or stupid enough to try.
So our day ended - catching our shuttle back to the RV park - thoroughly enjoying ourselves and the day we had...
Wednesday arrives, we have decided to take the Golden Gate bridge north - go up to Earnest and Julio Gallo's place - then continue on to Reno - where we start phase 3 of the holiday with Helen and Rob. Good plan. Starts a bit off when we realise about 1/2 mile out of the park that we had forgotten to return the restroom key - and so lost our $5 deposit. On a scale of 1 to 10 - not life changing - but it should have been a clue.
After this auspicious beginning - we got onto the US101N on our way to the Golden Gate Bridge - I wasn't sure about it - but wanted to try. As bad luck would have it - because of some recent construction - the instructions were confusing and I missed some turns and ended up driving this RV straight downtown San Francisco. I quickly realised my mistake - but had no choice but to go forward, trying to keep calm, weaving my way through narrow streets and heavy traffic and following a GPS that I no longer had much faith in. For a time - things were OK - we were managing -then Karen mentioned how proud she was at how well I was doing. I said - we're not through this yet - and 5 seconds later - I clip a truck (which was double parked on this street) mirror - knock mine clean off and got stuck at a light - with a homeless man shouting at me that I hit this guys mirror and what was I going to do about it? Obviously - without a mirror I couldn't see what if any damage I did to his mirror - and with the traffic - it wasn't exactly like I could pull over. So there we are - driving through SF with the passenger side mirror dangling by its electrical cord and Rob - with his head and arm out of the window - trying to hold onto what is left of it and shouting to me - 'you can pull over to the right lane - no one is coming...
One would think that I have been punished enough - but no - it isn't over yet. My GPS decided to take me to the Golden Gate Bridge via the 3rd most steep inclined street in the City. It must have been at least a 30% incline - which was bad enough going up - but once I hit the top and looked at what I was facing going down - I knew that I had just blown the wad on this. We bottomed out at every cross street - Karen suggesting strongly that I turn left - although I still had to get down the hill so I wasn't quite sure what turning left would do, and me just focused on getting down with some of my brakes intact while Rob was half hanging out holding onto the mirror and dodging signs and other various objects which are closer to the lane than you actually realise. Helen was so quiet - I almost thought we had lost her at the top of the hill but found out later that while all of this is going on - she and Karen (who were sitting on the couch in the back) were desperately searching for the seat belts that were on the floor under the couch in case the police stopped us and checked.
Now I know that this blog is sort of dragging on - and I imagine that you all think that it is about all that could happen to someone in one day - but no - it is not. Mainly because most of you have never had Helen to contend with. She had this plan - stop at a WalMarts along the way - get some food so that when we get to Reno we can whip up a dinner - and get back on the road. What could go wrong with this plan - quick stop off, a little shopping and back on the road. Adds an extra 1/2 hour to our trip - tops!
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