We started the day out in a lazy kind of way - and in the early afternoon - Lori came and got Karen and I and off we went to Kristi's (Marge's oldest daughter) for an afternoon with the family. In attendance today were Marge's kids (Kristi, Tony and Amy) with families in tow, Lori, Karen and me (Marge and Bob are in Scottsdale right now - taking in spring training). Our goal was to make pierogi's - a polish dish that our mothers (who were sisters) use to make. I know that my mother tried on more than one occasion to teach me to make them - probably my Aunt Caroline did the same with Lori. It is not a difficult dish to prepare -
just time consuming and although it has always been one of my most favorite memories and foods - one that I rarely attempted to make. We had cooked the sauerkraut yesterday at Lori's - so today was going to be dedicated to making the dumplings up. Erin (Tony's wife), Amy and Kristi were all on hand to learn the art. As it turned out we learned a couple of things...
1) - if you are looking to learn a thing or two in the kitchen - look elsewhere as Lori and I are probably the two worst choices you could chose to teach you...
2) - Amy and Kristi will never become the next Martha Stewart...I am sure they will give something else to the world - but it won't be their cooking that they are remembered for. Erin on the other hand - is a willing and eager student - soaking up whatever knowledge Lori and I could give. God bless her - she learned something despite her teachers' limited skills.
That said - we managed to produce an amazing amount and variety of pierogis - my favorites - sauerkraut, a facsimile of our mothers' cheese recipe and prune (Lori's favorite - enough said about that!). We did 4 double batches of the dough - and generally - made a big mess in Kristi's kitchen. The kids played and dressed up, the boys watched another nail biting disappointment with Michigan in the March Madness playoffs, Karen kept Zander
(the newest member of the family) entertained and fed (let's face it - at 5 weeks that is half of the required needs) - and we enjoyed each other's company. At the end of the gruelling day - those who wanted some took them home. I have enough to see me through the remainder of the holiday, and Lori has her prunes. All's well that ends well.

On Monday - Lori, Karen and I got up at an incredibly indecent hour (6am which is early for a holiday) and got on the road to Breckenridge - as Karen asked for only one thing while in Denver visiting my relatives...to ski there. It is about an hour's drive from Golden where Lori lives and we were on the road by 7am and there by 8. Karen booked in for a day lesson and once Lori and I were sure she was going to go through with it - we left her to her own devices and went shopping.
Now - for those who know me well - I am not a big shopper, and once I have something that is fit for purpose - such as a handbag - I tend to stick with what I know. In 1987 - to splurged on myself - bought a Coach handbag. It was exactly what I was looking for - and I liked it. Liked it so much that I have used it pretty exclusively since. I don't buy handbags, just use this one - so Karen and Lori decided that I needed a new one. After 24 years - I guess I can't argue too much. Lori on the other hand loves to buy handbags. I am not sure where she stores them all since she has downsized the house - but off we went to Coach in search of that elusive replacement to my tried and trusty (as well as incredibly beaten up) handbag. We got to the store - and before you could say 'Jack Rabbit' - Lori had found a bag she just had to have because it was lavender - and she didn't have a lavender bag...Me - it took a bit longer.
We both ended up buying bags - I think Coach owes Lori a commission - as she pushed for me to buy 2 bags - which I ultimately did. We then went back to pick up Karen - who had a full days skiing - won praise from her instructor for having elegant style in her skiing, and decided to treat her successful day with stopping by Coach on the way home and ultimately buying herself another bag. So - the long and short of it is we all got new bags - I will probably use mine a bit more than the other two since it will be my only bag - not just another one of many.
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