We are still in Denver - imposing upon Lori who is handling our extended stay very well. Not too many allow visitors to stay on indefinitely - take over their TV remote - and generally clutter up their home - but she has so far...We even convinced her to take in another dog for the week - so the place is definitely cluttered. We decided to extend our visit to Denver for a few reason -the main being that we are enjoying our visit and decided that nothing was pushing us on...
The brush fires that has been burning near Lori and Marge's places has finally been brought under control. We were living with a great deal of smoke at the campsite earlier in the week - but today - the sky is clear - cloudy and overcast - but clear.
We have moved Tallulah (the motor home) to a construction site across from Lori's - so it is a cheap holiday. Not paying rent (if we stay much longer - Lori may start charging though) sponging off her kitchen for meals, taking the dogs to the dog park and getting to know other dog owners in the area and generally enjoying the time off.
It's beautiful - sitting here overlooking the Rockies. I really don't have much to add as we haven't been doing much (hence the slow lane reference) so I will close for now - post this just to let you know our current location and plans.
Love the new signature!! Impressive!